for all methods evaluated / guided by Computed Tomography

  • Are you diabetic?
  • Do you use Metformin (diabetes medication)?
  • Do you have a history of kidney disease?
  • Do hemodialysis?
  • Have you ever had a transplant?
  • Does it have a unique kidney?
  • Kidney cancer diagnosis?
  • Have you ever had kidney surgery?

If answered YES to any of the above: bring a result of Creatinine dosed in the blood (serum) on the day of the exam – it may be at most the last 6 months.


  • Have you ever been allergic to the use of iodinated contrast agent?
  • Do you have multiple allergies?
  • Do you have asthma?
  • Have you used asthma medication in the past 3 months?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized for severe asthma?

If YES answered for any of the above: Attend the clinic TWO HOURS in advance to prepare before the exam – this is for the use of a contrast agent.

Premature: 3 hours of fasting, including water;

Newborns (NB) from 0 to 6 months:

  • Se alimenta com leite materno ou Nan: 4 horas de Jejum;
  • Se recebe qualquer outro tipo de alimentação: 6 horas de jejum.

Children from 6 months to 6 years:

  • If you eat light food for 24 hours before the exam (soups, fruits, milk, yogurt, tea and water): 6 hours of fasting;
  • If you eat heavy food for 24 hours before the exam (rice, beans, sweets, meat, fried foods): 8 hours of fasting.

Children over 6 years and adults: 8 hours of fasting.

Note:Fasting is ABSOLUTE, even WITHOUT water. The patient must be accompanied and will not be able to drive after the exam.

RM Upper Abdomen and Colangio / Hidro-RM: Fasting for 4 hours even without water.

Observation: cholecystectomized patients – without gallbladder, only fast for 4 hours.

Other RM’s With Contrast: 04 hours of fasting, drink water up to 01 hours before the exam.

Recommendations: attend 30 minutes in advance to attend reception (filling out a questionnaire and the like).

* Bring original documentation: medical request, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring a report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd) – it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radiolinea.


MRI of Feet / Hands with or without contrast remove the enamel from the region to be evaluated;
important to inform / describe if you use a pacemaker, if you have a metallic device implanted in your body;

Tattoo at the exam site: it is relative, but it is recommended that you have a minimum of 1 month from the time of the exam, especially medium / large colored tattoos.

Enteroresonance: Fasting for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam. arrive 01 hours in advance to start the preparation and bring a companion.

RM Upper Abdomen and Colangio / Hidro-RM: Fasting for 4 hours even without water.
observation: cholecystectomized patients – without a gallbladder, only fast for 4 hours.

Other RM’s Without Contrast: there is no preparation.

* Recommendations: arrive 30 minutes in advance for assistance at reception (filling in questionnaire and the like).

* Bring: original documentation: medical order, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring a report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd) – it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radiolinea.


MRI of Feet / Hands with or without contrast remove the enamel from the region to be evaluated;
important to inform / describe if you use a pacemaker, if you have a metallic device implanted in your body;

Tattoo at the exam site: it is relative, but it is recommended that you have a minimum of 1 month from the time of the exam, especially medium / large colored tattoos.

Entero-resonance: Fasting for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam. arrive 01h in advance to start the preparation and bring a companion.

RM Abdomen Superior Ecolangio / Hidro-rm: Fasting for 4 hours even without water.

Observation: cholecystectomized patients – without gallbladder, only fast for 4 hours.

Other RM’s With Contrast: 04 hours of fasting, drink water up to 01 hours before the exam.

Recommendations: attend 30 minutes in advance to attend reception (filling out a questionnaire and the like).

* Bring original documentation: medical request, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring a report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd) – it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radiolinea.


MRI of Feet / Hands with or without contrast remove the enamel from the region to be evaluated;
important to inform / describe if you use a pacemaker, if you have a metallic device implanted in your body;

Tattoo at the exam site: it is relative, but it is recommended that you have a minimum of 1 month from the time of the exam, especially medium / large colored tattoos.

* Preparation: there is no preparation. It is essential to bring a companion.

* Recommendations: arrive 30 minutes in advance for assistance at reception (filling in questionnaire and the like).

* Bring original documentation: medical request, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring a report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd) – it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radiolinea.


MRI of Feet / Hands with or without contrast remove the enamel from the region to be evaluated;

It is important to inform / describe if you use a pacemaker, if you have a metallic device implanted in your body;

Tattoo at the exam site: it is relative, but it is recommended that you have a minimum of 1 month from the time of the exam, especially medium / large colored tattoos.

Upper Abdomen CT: 04 hours absolute fast.

Enterotomography: Fasting for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam. arrive 01h in advance to start the preparation, it is essential to bring a companion.

Coronary angiotomography: 04 hours of fasting, drink water up to 01 hours before the exam; normally take medications in usual use, except those suspended by the attending physician – as beta-blockers.

observation: cholecystectomized patients – without a gallbladder, only fast for 4 hours.

Other CT’s With Contrast: Fast for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam.

* Recommendations: Arrive 30 minutes in advance for reception assistance (filling in a questionnaire and the like).

* Bring: Original documentation: medical request, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring a report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd).

Note: it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radiolinea.

Upper Abdomen CT: Fasting for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam.

Enterotomography: Fasting for 4 hours, you can drink water up to 1 hour before the exam. arrive 01h in advance to start the preparation and bring a companion.

Other TC’s: There is no preparation.

* Recommendations: arrive 30 minutes in advance for assistance at reception (filling in questionnaire and the like).

* Bring original documentation: medical request, rg, health insurance card, birth certificate in case of a minor;

Related previous examinations performed at other service providers (rm, tc, usg, rx, laboratory, etc.). important to bring report and mainly images (prints and / or cd / dvd) – note: it is not necessary to bring the previous exams performed on the radioline.

Patient information:

Your doctor has requested to perform Colonography guided by Computed Tomography (Colonoscopy / Virtual Endoscopy), this examination consists of performing an abdominal tomography to view the colon (large intestine) and allows the identification of intestinal polyps, diverticula, neoplasms (cancer) , in addition to strictures (narrowing) and chronic changes related to inflammatory bowel disease.

This test has a sensitivity similar to colonoscopy for the visualization of polyps with six or more millimeters and colon neoplasms.

However, for the test to be effective, it is essential that there are not many stools in the intestine on the day of the test.

Therefore, you must follow a diet (as instructed by the nurse) for two days and, on the day before the exam, take laxative medications.

On the day of the exam, it is necessary to administer air in the large intestine to distend the colon, making all its portions more visible, this is done with the injection of gas through a small probe introduced via the anal. Immediately after the examination, the probe is removed and the gas is spontaneously eliminated. In most cases, it is also necessary to administer a venous contrast agent. Immediately after the exam, you will be able to eat and return to your usual activities.

Food preparation: Start 2 days before the exam.

The day before (2 days before the exam):

CANNOT: fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes, red meat, pork and chicken pieces. Avoid bread (especially brown bread), cereals, milk and cheese, yogurt, coffee, sauce (white, cheese, red), beans, soy, corn and peas.

CAN: consume soups / broths (beat in a blender / paste), rice, pasta (garlic and oil), eggs, tuna, fish fillet, cracker, toast, gelatin (light color), fruit popsicle ( light color), tea (light color), water, coconut water, the use of isotonic drinks (Gatorade, I9, Powerade) (light color) is advisable and helps in replacing the electrolytes lost during preparation.

Eve (24 hours before the exam):

CANNOT: Milk or dairy products, tomatoes, orange juices, soft drinks, industrialized juices (dark colored), coffee.

MAY: Start liquid diet without residues throughout the day, strained clear soups (take only water) or Vono soups (found in the market), gelatin (light colored), water, coconut water, tea (light colored) , strained or boxed natural juices (light colored), fruit popsicle (light colored), the use of isotonic drinks (Gatorade, I9, Powerade) (light colored) is advisable and helps in replacing the electrolytes lost during preparation.

Drug preparation:

Eve (24 hours before the exam):

– At 8 am and 2 pm, take 10 mg of sodium picosulfate (4 gelatinous beads) or 20 drops of the Guttalax oral solution;

– At 9 pm, take 10 mg of bisacodyl (2 tablets of Dulcolax) and dilute 50 ml of contrast (to be delivered by the nurse on the day of the exam appointment) in 150 ml of water or coconut water or Gatorade (light color) .

On the morning of the exam:

– Fasting for 4 hours;

– If you use medication for continuous use, you should normally take it with little water at 6 am.


The MRI scan is performed on a large magnet. Ten percent of people have claustrophobia, however, the device used in Radiolinea has the largest opening and its edges are rounded, reducing the feeling of tightness.

If you have already experienced anguish when taking the exam, ask your companion to come into the room with you, this alleviates the discomfort.

SGAS 616 - AV. L2 SUL Conjunto A - Lot 116/117 Block B - Rooms 10/13 Centro Clínico Linea Vitta Brasília - DF